Steps for Souls is a nonprofit organization started by one of our Crossroads Kids to bring awareness about suicide prevention. If you know anyone that needs help, please visit the:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Helping to prevent suicide, the Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Available 24 hours, 7 days a week
Languages: English, Spanish
Everyday in the United States, 121 people die by suicide. Steps for Souls, a nonprofit organization out of Bangor, Maine, is committed to ending suicide across the state as well as across the country.
Founded by Katie Strout in March 2017, Steps for Souls is made up of a team of students at Bangor High School who have turned an idea to stop an epidemic into a state-wide push to end suicide all together. Sarah Danby, Sofia Whitmann, Caroline Fernald, and their advisor Eric Hutchins, created a 3k Walk and educational symposium in order to raise awareness and begin preventative measures in their school and statewide. The walk drew over 800 people and raised $1,500 for a student scholarship. With over 1,000 signatures on a petition, the group is working to create a law with Senator Gratwick in order to make suicide prevention, bullying prevention, and other mental health topics mandatory curriculum in high schools across Maine.
“Suicide ends with a conversation,” says Sofia Whitmann.
The students and faculty of Bangor High lost three students to suicide from 2015-2017 while Brewer High School and Hermon High School each lost one student in 2016. “The impact on the schools has been completely devastating. No one knows what we can and can’t discuss. No one knows what to do besides come together here and make a change. We know we need to make a change,” says Strout. The Steps for Souls team plans to have the walk every year in May.
You can follow them on Facebook at Steps for Souls or contact Katie at for more information!