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Happy Children



Crossroads believes and supports the collective work of America's Promise involves keeping Five Promises to children and youth that form the conditions they need to achieve adult success.

We promise to young Americans that they will grow up with the help and guidance of caring adult relationships, healthy childhoods, safe surroundings, effective education, and opportunities to serve others.

When at least four of these promises are at work in young people’s lives, they are more likely to succeed academically, socially, and civically.

PROMISE NO.1  Caring Adults
Caring adults are the centerpieces of children’s development. They serve as guides, caretakers, and advisers, who give positive and productive guidance throughout their development.
PROMISE NO.2   Safe Places
To develop intellectually and emotionally, young people need physical and psychological safety at home, at school, and in the community. Without such “safe places” – environments that support and encourage inquiry, exploration, and play without fear of harm – children aren’t able to get support, form positive relationships and concentrate on school.
PROMISE NO.3  A Healthy Start
Healthy and well-nourished children are more able to develop their minds and bodies as they should, and they are far more capable of concentrating, learning, and thriving throughout their school years.
PROMISE NO.4 Effective Education
Our increasingly knowledge-driven world demands people who have the education and skills to thrive in a competitive marketplace and to understand the increasingly complex world in which they live. That means that in order to compete and succeed, all young people will need an effective education that prepares them for work and life.
PROMISE NO.5  Opportunities to Help Others
Through service to others, young Americans develop the character and competence they need to be helpful, hopeful, and civically engaged all their lives, regardless of their own life circumstances.
40 Developmental Assets

The Search Institute partners with organizations to conduct and apply research that promotes positive youth development and advances equity.

Crossroads supports and promotes

their work, internally and externally, and their values:

  • Diversity: We embrace diverse perspectives, experiences, ways of learning, and forms of wisdom.

  • Equity: We strive to understand systems of access, opportunity, justice, and power in order to eliminate barriers, recognize strengths, and meet the needs of all.

  • Curiosity: We are driven to learn.

  • Scientific rigor: Our work is grounded in high-quality research.

  • Youth focus: Positive youth development is the ultimate purpose of all we do.

  • Relationships: We strive to build developmental relationships.

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199 New County Road Saco ME 04072

© 1999 Crossroads Youth Center

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